Selling Rental Items


In the Line Items form, focus on the line that contains the missing items.  Go to the next line item.  If it is occupied, insert a new line item (Insert Item button).  In the Item column type an apostrophe “ ’ ” and press enter.  This should copy the item from the line above.  Press F8.  This will open the Item Detail form.  On this form change the Salescat from RENT to SALE and close the form.  Enter the number of units that were missing.  It will use the For Sale Price from the inventory or ask you about setting a For Sale Price.  Like all prices, you will able to enter the price manually.  In some older versions of the program, an error appears regarding “saleprice”.  Ignore any and all of these errors in this process.   

Reduce the number rented by the number sold depending on the financial circumstances.

You may be asked when posting for the reason you are selling a rental item.